Kennijs 4 Parašė Vasario 27, 2022 • Your Steam profile urlAnswer• Time, map and server you were punished?Answer fy_poolday• Name of admin?Answer Softter• Explain the situation, what happened, why did you recieve the punishment?Answer he wrote in chat open profile in caps, i asked why xd, then he said 1min to open profile. i read it late, but opened it, n when i did, alt tabbed to cs n saw i was already permanently banned for not listenin :D:D:D:D: tyvm brudda. Cituoti Dalintis šį pranešimą Link to post Share on other sites
Kennijs 4 Parašė Vasario 27, 2022 15 minutes ago, Kennijs said: • Your Steam profile urlAnswer• Time, map and server you were punished?Answer fy_poolday• Name of admin?Answer Softter• Explain the situation, what happened, why did you recieve the punishment?Answer he wrote in chat open profile in caps, i asked why xd, then he said 1min to open profile. i read it late, but opened it, n when i did, alt tabbed to cs n saw i was already permanently banned for not listenin :D:D:D:D: tyvm brudda. I have done literally nothing wrong. I have been gridning this server for about week and finally started to get better only to get banned?? ^^ as other have said before already now that im readin, found this server bout 2 weeks or smth ago n just gettin better w onetaps n i get insta banned. respond mby n stop playing rofl? ;D 1 Cituoti Dalintis šį pranešimą Link to post Share on other sites
Softt33r 9 Parašė Vasario 27, 2022 4 hours ago, Kennijs said: • Your Steam profile urlAnswer• Time, map and server you were punished?Answer fy_poolday• Name of admin?Answer Softter• Explain the situation, what happened, why did you recieve the punishment?Answer he wrote in chat open profile in caps, i asked why xd, then he said 1min to open profile. i read it late, but opened it, n when i did, alt tabbed to cs n saw i was already permanently banned for not listenin :D:D:D:D: tyvm brudda. You had more then 1 minute, because I thought it was little bit less. You were still playing since I asked to unprivate profile. Your profile was fully private so I just waned to check how many hours do you have. That's it, but you did not listen what I said. So you got banned! 1 1 Cituoti Dalintis šį pranešimą Link to post Share on other sites
Kennijs 4 Parašė Vasario 28, 2022 23 hours ago, Softt33r said: You had more then 1 minute, because I thought it was little bit less. You were still playing since I asked to unprivate profile. Your profile was fully private so I just waned to check how many hours do you have. That's it, but you did not listen what I said. So you got banned! rofl, go check demo if i didnt listen n if i didnt stop n go open my profile mid round :D:D. more then 1 minute my ass. U can check my profile btw still, cuz its open from yday cuz of u :D:D:D ur a slow responsive admin urself, gave me mby 1,5 mins max n u cant respond urself for fkin hours. ur a joke, go abuse ur powers more :)) have a good day tho braliukas. atsisveikink 🙂 1 Cituoti Dalintis šį pranešimą Link to post Share on other sites
Softt33r 9 Parašė Vasario 28, 2022 3 hours ago, Kennijs said: rofl, go check demo if i didnt listen n if i didnt stop n go open my profile mid round :D:D. more then 1 minute my ass. U can check my profile btw still, cuz its open from yday cuz of u :D:D:D ur a slow responsive admin urself, gave me mby 1,5 mins max n u cant respond urself for fkin hours. ur a joke, go abuse ur powers more :)) have a good day tho braliukas. atsisveikink 🙂 Lmao, your form is not filled right :DDD n I'm doing my job n next time behave good :DDDD lol. And be patient ofc! Good luck too you braliukas. Myliu bučuojiu 😘 1 Cituoti Dalintis šį pranešimą Link to post Share on other sites
Kennijs 4 Parašė Vasario 28, 2022 ur not doin ur job rofl, ive done everything like it says. didnt include 1 thing - - PROOF - Softt33r is just abusing his admin powers n thats all. idm staying banned tbh, ačiu braliukas. oh n pls do get corona, the worst case one oO 2 Cituoti Dalintis šį pranešimą Link to post Share on other sites
Softt33r 9 Parašė Vasario 28, 2022 8 minutes ago, Kennijs said: ur not doin ur job rofl, ive done everything like it says. didnt include 1 thing - - PROOF - Softt33r is just abusing his admin powers n thats all. idm staying banned tbh, ačiu braliukas. oh n pls do get corona, the worst case one oO You are unbanned, you can connect to our servers. Thanks, same to you don't die and take care. 1 Cituoti Dalintis šį pranešimą Link to post Share on other sites
ECHO 166 Parašė Vasario 28, 2022 13 minutes prieš, Kennijs said: oh n pls do get corona, the worst case one oO Beidz ar tādām valodām. Smieklīgi. Braliukas Cituoti Dalintis šį pranešimą Link to post Share on other sites
Guest Terhonaattori Parašė Kovo 1, 2022 On 2022-01-22 at 13:36, Guest Terhonaattori said: • Your Steam profile url • Time, map and server you were punished? 2022-01-10 23:56:02 [EU/LT] »Public« 128T | Vimo.LT !ws !knife !c... • Name of admin? Dont know • Explain the situation, what happened, why did you recieve the punishment? Ill just was playing like normally, iw been playing csgo now for about 5 months, and iw been banned for no reason it ssays "ignoring admin" yeah, admin should first contact or make some gesture something to allow player to see him, not just banning him. iw been playing your servers for while (deagle and public) there you can see that im "smurf" like your incompetent admin said and banned me. So iw just triend to hang out and play some cs from you servers, and finally game gone some good and then got banned 😄 ill do this report for now, because earlier tried to come in your site it immediately said "trojan horse detected" so didint came in. Hope you get the point, you always can ask more questions for me. Still waiting, where is my answer still? Cituoti Dalintis šį pranešimą Link to post Share on other sites
Softt33r 9 Parašė Kovo 2, 2022 12 hours ago, Guest Terhonaattori said: Still waiting, where is my answer still? Where is your main? Cituoti Dalintis šį pranešimą Link to post Share on other sites
Jasko 0 Parašė Balandžio 8, 2022 (redaguota) On 9/10/2018 at 11:16 PM, Deivius1 said: Heyo! Kiekvieną dieną vis daugiau ir daugiau temų išvystame apie gautas bausmes, tad ši tema skirta padėti lengviau išsiaiškinti situaciją, rasti palankų sprendimą ir kuo greičiau sugrįžti į pamėgtus serverius. Temą parengė: DaTroller.1. 95% atvejų dėl bausmės gavimo yra taisyklių nesilaikymas. Mūsų (prižiūrėtojų) darbas atminkite nėra nuteisti, nubausti ar kažkam sugadinti nuotaiką. Mes stengsimės civilizuotai išspręsti konfliktus be bausmių uždėjimo, bet jeigu nematysime kito varianto, bausmė bus uždėta. Kad išvengti tokių nereikalingų konfliktų, patartina pasiskaityti taisykles, kurias rasite paspaudę čia arba nuorodoje 2. Ką daryti gavus bausmę?I. Išlaukti. Visgi jeigu suprantate padarę klaidą, atbūnate savo bausmę ir žaidžiate toliau. II. Pirkti/Donate. Priklausomai nuo gautos bausmės, visada galite išsipirkti unban/unmute/ungag jei aukščiau išvardinti punktai nepadėjo. Dėl salygų ir kainų kreipiates į savininka Bullzai; Bullzai forumo profilis; Bullzai steam profili rasite čia Bullzai Discord: Bullzai#0652III. Kurti forume temą ARBA discorde ticketa. Jeigu manote, kad įvyko klaida arba kad gavote bausmę nuo piknaudžiaujančio administratoriaus, Temos sukūrimas forume geriausias tam sprendimas, bet apie teisingą temos pildymą informaciją rasite žemiau, taipogi galite sukūrti "ticketa" vimo discorde kur online prižiūrėtojai atrašys jūms. SVARBU - Kaip užpildyti forume tema: 3. Buvai nubaustas, ivyko klaida, adminas abusiną? KAIP TEISINGAI UŽPILDYTI SKUNDO TEMĄ 1. Skundu skiltyje ( kuria rasi nuėjas čia ) Spaudi "NAUJA TEMA" ARBA RAŠAI ŠIOS TEMOS KOMENTAROSE 2. Užpildai šia informaciją:• Jūsų Steam profilio linkas (nuoroda).• Kada, kuriam mape ir kuriame serveryje nubaudė?Vakar dieną apie 17:30 fy_pool_day_vim awp only serveris.• Jeigu žinote, kuris Admin nubaudė?Nežinau.• Kokia buvo situacija ir kas vyko prieš gaunant bausmę?Perbėgo per klavietūrą katė ir įjungė cheatus netyčia, tada kokius 20 kartu nušoviau prižiūrėtoją ir gavau free baną, bet prisiekiu jog tai ne aš įjungiau cheatus!ĮRODYMAI: PVZ: Reveal hidden contents Prižiurėtojai ir savininkas apibendrinę visus surinktus įrodymus ir visų pusių nuomones, per kelias dienas priims sprendimą ir duos žinoti kaip ką nusprendė. Kolkas tiek iš manęs. Laikykitės taisyklių ir pirkite VIP. ENGLISH VERSION: If you believe to be punished for no reason or by mistake, or just see an administrator abusing his powers, fill the post or just create another post yourself with information like:• Your Steam profile urlAnswer• Time, map and server you were punished?Answer• Name of admin?Answer• Explain the situation, what happened, why did you recieve the punishment?Answer - PROOF - If you have any, please, provide it here, that way we can sort the problems 10x faster than usual without any difficulties. around 01:00, poolparty, awp only ☁Ciortas Banned me for not unprivating my steam account (didnt even tell me why after i asked him) because he and his friends couldnt kill me and i was dominating the server xd. No one has ever asked me to do that thats why i didnt do it, i play on this server for around 2 years. Maybe he is a new admin who thinks he can do what he want. (with my badges he couldve known i had enough hours to play decent.) Redaguota Balandžio 8, 2022 Jasko Cituoti Dalintis šį pranešimą Link to post Share on other sites
Erniux 30 Parašė Balandžio 9, 2022 (redaguota) 9 hours ago, Jasko said: around 01:00, poolparty, awp only ☁Ciortas Banned me for not unprivating my steam account (didnt even tell me why after i asked him) because he and his friends couldnt kill me and i was dominating the server xd. No one has ever asked me to do that thats why i didnt do it, i play on this server for around 2 years. Maybe he is a new admin who thinks he can do what he want. (with my badges he couldve known i had enough hours to play decent.) Hello, we're sorry that u had to run into this type of situation. You have been unbanned and the admin will be punished. If any admin asks for you main account or to unprivate you hours you don't have to do that and u can't get banned for that, but if Vimo Staff asks you to do it You must, or You will be banned. In this case it was an ordinary admin. If you'll get into this type of situation again contact us and we'll try to resolve it as fast as possible, sorry again for the ban. Have a good day :). Redaguota Balandžio 9, 2022 Erniux Finishing touches c: 2 Cituoti Dalintis šį pranešimą Link to post Share on other sites
Guest sign Parašė Gegužės 7, 2022 Kiek čia laiko užtrunka kol kažkas atsako? Jau 3 mėn. nuo post'o ir jokio atsakymo. Ir galėtumete susitvarkyti savo linkus, url bet nukreipia į kas yra visiškai kitas profilis. Cituoti Dalintis šį pranešimą Link to post Share on other sites
Guest Terhonaattori Parašė Gegužės 8, 2022 On 2022-03-02 at 12:15, Softt33r said: Where is your main? Do you mean main account or main complain? Because if you mean main account, its linked in complain Cituoti Dalintis šį pranešimą Link to post Share on other sites
Deivius1 703 Parašė Gegužės 9, 2022 On 2022-05-08 at 01:24, Guest sign said: Kiek čia laiko užtrunka kol kažkas atsako? Jau 3 mėn. nuo post'o ir jokio atsakymo. Ir galėtumete susitvarkyti savo linkus, url bet nukreipia į kas yra visiškai kitas profilis. Tai pirmiausia reik anketa normaliai uzpildyti, galvojau jau ir pats susiprotesi kad i tokia niekas net nesivargins atrasyti, to labiau aiskintis. Atbaninu Cituoti Dalintis šį pranešimą Link to post Share on other sites
Softt33r 9 Parašė Gegužės 10, 2022 On 5/8/2022 at 12:04 PM, Guest Terhonaattori said: Do you mean main account or main complain? Because if you mean main account, its linked in complain You said in your complain, that you are smurfing. So I'm asking for your main account. Not the account with 400 ish hours. I doubt that the admin banned you for no reason and without any "gesture" So please provide your main account, with "CS:GO" hours unprivated. Have a nice day Cituoti Dalintis šį pranešimą Link to post Share on other sites
Jasko 0 Parašė Gegužės 17, 2022 Banned for no reason, joined and got instant ban Cituoti Dalintis šį pranešimą Link to post Share on other sites
kaciukas 40 Parašė Gegužės 18, 2022 @Jasko give us your steam link Cituoti Dalintis šį pranešimą Link to post Share on other sites
Jasko 0 Parašė Gegužės 18, 2022 1 hour ago, kaciukas said: @Jasko give us your steam link Cituoti Dalintis šį pranešimą Link to post Share on other sites
Guest Terhonaattori Parašė Gegužės 18, 2022 On 10.5.2022 at 12.31, Softt33r said: Sanoit valituksessasi, että smurffoit. Joten pyydän päätiliäsi. Ei tili, jolla on 400 tuntia. Epäilen, että järjestelmänvalvoja kielsi sinut ilman syytä ja ilman "elettä". Anna siis päätilisi, jossa "CS: GO" -tunnit ovat yksityisiä. Hauskaa päivän jatkoa Yeah i said because it was "reason" for the ban, you just cant pick word here and word there, i already have linked my main account and that it is. pls read the main complaintment after this answer. and read it like you understand it. otherwise i wanna other admin to talk with to, because you really are too abusive to be admin neither. And if you cant understand what you read, no one can help with that problem and then other admin should be from your place. Cituoti Dalintis šį pranešimą Link to post Share on other sites
♠ ꞖṜØ₭ӠͶ ♠ 0 Parašė Gegužės 28, 2022 Hello, I got banned This is my new account: I got banned on Deagle only server about 21:00 (European clock) on fy_pool_day Admin who banned me: was VIP Bailvas Situation: He asked me for main accounts... but i was i the middle of the game.... then he banned me Reason i should show my main account. Here are my 3 other accounts i dont play anymore. PLS unban me Cituoti Dalintis šį pranešimą Link to post Share on other sites
Erniux 30 Parašė Gegužės 28, 2022 19 minutes ago, ♠ ꞖṜØ₭ӠͶ ♠ said: Hello, I got banned This is my new account: I got banned on Deagle only server about 21:00 (European clock) on fy_pool_day Admin who banned me: was VIP Bailvas Situation: He asked me for main accounts... but i was i the middle of the game.... then he banned me Reason i should show my main account. Here are my 3 other accounts i dont play anymore. PLS unban me Unbanned, to avoid getting banned again, please use your main account since alt accounts are constantly being checked due to cheaters that try to play in our servers. Have a good day c: Cituoti Dalintis šį pranešimą Link to post Share on other sites
Nojus28 0 Parašė Gegužės 29, 2022 as net nezinau kada kokiam mepe uz ka jokios informacijos nebuvo pateikta nes as buvau off nezaidziau serveryje 2dienas prisijungiau po tu 2 dienu negaliu rodo uzbanintas Cituoti Dalintis šį pranešimą Link to post Share on other sites
Erniux 30 Parašė Gegužės 29, 2022 41 minutes ago, Nojus28 said: as net nezinau kada kokiam mepe uz ka jokios informacijos nebuvo pateikta nes as buvau off nezaidziau serveryje 2dienas prisijungiau po tu 2 dienu negaliu rodo uzbanintas Steam link'ą bent duosi ar mums iš tirščių burti kas toks būsi? Cituoti Dalintis šį pranešimą Link to post Share on other sites
Realistas 1 Parašė Birželio 4, 2022 • Jūsų Steam profilio linkas (nuoroda). • Kada, kuriam mape ir kuriame serveryje nubaudė?Discord Serveryje. Prieš keletą metų.• Jeigu žinote, kuris Admin nubaudė?Bullzai.• Kokia buvo situacija ir kas vyko prieš gaunant bausmę?Pasiunčiau moi'zy n****. Bullzai užbanino su reasonu: "pašli v žopu". Discord: Realist#6654 Atleiskit už padarytą kvailystę, jeigu reiks, atsiprašysių moi'zy viešai ❤️ Cituoti Dalintis šį pranešimą Link to post Share on other sites