Turinio skaičius
27 -
Paskutinį kartą lankėsi
Visi Dovis pranešimai
• Your Steam profile url https://steamcommunity.com/id/dovis2k/ • Time, map and server you were punished? 12/23/2022 , MIX Server, Time - around 20:00 - 21:00 I believe. • Name of admin? Anti-cheat • Explain the situation, what happened, why did you recieve the punishment? I am not completely sure why I got banned, but I was waiting in MIX server for 10 players to connect and play, whilst there was alt-tabbing and changing my viewmodels, cl_bob and crosshairs, but in about 10-15 mins not enough people connected, I left. I played a few FaceIT matches, decided to come back to MIX server because I saw that they needed a few for a full 5v5, and as I tried to join, I see that I have been banned by the AC for "small pp detected", not sure how that happened, but I know that a similar thing happened to "crazygirl". - PROOF - Don't have any :)
Ponas kur credits?
Dovis replied to Panevežio Cukrus's topic in Skundai
cherry on top -
Dovis replied to Panevežio Cukrus's topic in Skundai
banas bus paliekamas -
Dovis replied to Panevežio Cukrus's topic in Skundai
https://gofile.io/d/UeEArN klipai, ivairi
!!! Good luck everyone, may the strongest conquer !!!
Tikiuosi, kad aš laimėsiu. gg ez
"bet ką aš galiu padaryti jei vaikas nesupranta pokšto" Firstly, įžeidinėjimai nėra juokas, nes kai kurie to nemato kaip juoką. Secondly, kaip tu pats pasakei, jei tu matai, kad nesupranta tavo tokiu pokštų, nedaryk, ir nesakyk, pasilik juos sau. Sprendžiant kas čia yra parašyta tarp jūsų, jus susipykot ir pradėjo įžeidinėti vienas kitą.
del reference, https://discord.com/channels/317066915006775296/317066915006775296/813024557455376384
Jūsų nickname žaidime: d0vis Žaidėjo, kuris jus nufreekillino, nickname: Gordon Ramsay Laikas bei map'as: jb_clouds_beta02 19:09 (anglisku laiku) 21:09 lietuvisku Apibūdinkite situaciją: Warden'as Velnias, pasake komanda susisaldysite (kada?, ne dabar). As sedejau saloje, ir mums nebuvo duota komandu, tad as tiesiog susisaldziau ant masinos,kad jiem butu lengviau, ir mane nusove ir nedave free day, per visa map'a.