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Visi Niggatello pranešimai

  1. Niggatello


    Sveiki dar karta, dar norėčiau paprašyti unbano iš discordo. Gonzu#7560
  2. Niggatello


    Ačiū labai! Nickas jau gan senai pakeistas, tik nežinau kodėl per vimo.lt nepasikeičia.
  3. Niggatello


    • Jūsų Steam profilio linkas (nuoroda).https://steamcommunity.com/id/Gonzuwu/• Kada, kuriam mape ir kuriame serveryje nubaudė? Neatsimenu, praėjo jau gal kokie 2 metai? • Jeigu žinote, kuris Admin nubaudė? Nežinau. • Kokia buvo situacija ir kas vyko prieš gaunant bausmę? Nežinau.ĮRODYMAI: Įrodymų nėra, bet jau prabėgo jau gan daug laiko, ir aš neatsimenu ar cheatinau ar ne, bet jei cheatinau, atsiprašau visų kuriuos sunervinau!
  4. • Your Steam profile url https://steamcommunity.com/id/Gonzuwu • Time, map and server you were punished? God like 5 bans in total cuz i kept getting banned by console so idk but it was awp server. • Name of admin? admin deleted • Explain the situation, what happened, why did you recieve the punishment? i dont really know how to besides asking you guys/girls to trust me on this one and just believe me that i did not cheat. - PROOF - If you have any, please, provide it here, that way we can sort the problems 10x faster than usual without any difficulties. dont have proof that i wasnt home the day i was banned.
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