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Visi Sznupacz pranešimai

  1. Steam profile : https://steamcommunity.com/profiles/76561198036669727/ Server: War3craft Time: Today 16:15 Map: de_inferno Admin: @iHa Situation: Sorry but i can't speak in Lithuanian so i'll try explain in english. I played few maps today on your server. I was looking for this server mod a lot of time in cs:go, coz i played a lot on this mod in 1.6. I play normally few maps but at de_inferno one admin just assume i was cheating. Unfortunately he was wrong adn i'm totally clean. I'm admin too but in polish servers (1v1 and dd2). You can just look at my profile and draw conclusions. If u can check demo, you'll see everything. Best Regards, Sznupacz
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