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Visi WITH LOVE SIMON pranešimai

  1. maybe stop giving admins , super admins to uneducated 15 yrlds ? who have no closesure what is Lithuanian language I would be pleased https://steamcommunity.com/id/ralfinjss/ this peasant kid has no idea how to represent your server to be honest im ranked 2nd in your server my hours on 1v1 im top 1 in activity this kid comes when he gets a chance to 1v1 in me in arena slays me when I ask why he mutes me and Im not the only victim on the server of this little Latvian uneducated teenage virgin master . so sad that kids can buy admins and do what ever they want without getting any warning or taking penalities or admin taken from then abusing and using admin right's in server how they want. so sad that noone gives a single f here . he is the reason me and my other counterstrike colleagues gonna stop playing on the server. he taunts and verbaly assaults ant provokes people to have fights with him so he can gag them mute them sadly I didn't got the chance of recording a demo because I got muted and kick today from the server of this little uneducated prick . sorry for my language I had enough of this peasant . your dearm and beloved among everyone in the server your general and respected legendary counter strike player SIMON. - WITH LOVE SIMON . guys I hope u reach back to me . and you can solve this issue I bet if u do somekinda voting on the server or ask others how they feel about him. u manage to decide. thanks bye .
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