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Sexy †Tārpiņš

Sexy Tarpiņš banned

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Jusu Nick bei nuorada į steam profili - Sexy †Tārpiņš https://steamcommunity.com/profiles/76561199051811393/
Kada, kuriam mape ir kuriame serve nubaude? - awp_kox , 2020-08-14 18:14:18
Kuris admin nubaude (jeigu žinote) - falc0n
Kokia buvo situacija, kas ivyko, kodėl bausme gavote jus? - I was just playing and admin falc0n banned me becuase I dont have main acc he was really mad because I killed him over and over. This server is very good but admin is salty. And I said you can share my screen but he just banned me. Help please. Reason is didnt show main acc. but i dont have main acc this is my main.

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we've looked into it, you seem to be a very good player with some luck on your side, considering the low hours spent on this game. No VAC as well, so i'll unban you. Don't forget to.. enjoy the game 😊
tom hanks handshake GIF by Team Coco

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