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vice. Ban Appeal

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Your name/Profile url - Spar. and vice. (https://steamcommunity.com/id/milanask/)
Time, map and server you were punished? - VIMO.LT >>Deagle Only<<
Name of admin? - LycanZ
Explain the situation, what happened, why did you recieve the punishment? - Was playing games with my friends on smurf account, when they went off I went onto Deagle only. I have over 80 hours across Vimo.lt and around 30 hours on deagle only. I am top 10 in the server so naturally I was playing well, then when I clutched a 1 v 3 against LycanZ I got perm banned. Went onto my main account to tell him he just banned my smurf, got banned for Duplicate Account. I have LycanZ in my friends list so I can report hackers in the server, messaged him to ask how to get unbanned. He never asked for a main account or spectated me to make sure.
 I killed him and he banned me. I have like a 30 second clip of when he decided to ban me, the beginning of the clip is when I killed him. Apologies the clip doesn't really show much. I can try get a demo if needed.

Dalintis šį pranešimą

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Unbanned. try to play more with your main as we have a massive problem with cheaters using smurfs, privated, new accounts. Good luck

Dalintis šį pranešimą

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