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Rimtas aloyzas

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Visi Rimtas aloyzas pranešimai

  1. Rimtas aloyzas


    Perkrauk modema gal tai pades
  2. ah shit here we go again, same situacija, bandau ieit i funa po ilgo laiko bet ispopina stai sita lentele
  3. • Your name/Profile url - https://steamcommunity.com/id/Motiejus/ • Time, map and server you were punished? - kazkur 00:05 kazkas tokio. mg minecraft jb1, fun serveryje • Name of admin? - Console • Explain the situation, what happened, why did you recieve the punishment? - Random disconnectino is servo tada bandau ateit atgal ziurau ismeta, bei ismeta lentele jog gavau ip perma bana kazkas tokio 2880minutes - PROOF -
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