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Pranešimai parašė Dįdžėjūs

  1.  Tai del tokiu tiksliai tai ne, bet taip sakau, kad zmones nera raginami, ispejami kad reikia perskaityti taisykles, nueini i  servery ir nieko jau losiu atsilosias

  2. Nezinau, bet pries pradedamas zaisti serva jokiu taisykliu neismete nei informacijos, nei sutikimo kad jas perskaityt, ar jos yra, reiketu pirma priziuretojam perspeti.

  3. Your username and link to your profile -didzejus http://steamcommunity.com/id/ djmakarena
    When, in which map and server did it happen? - 2020 03 31, awp server
    What's the name of the admin? (If you know): S.k.S
    Explain the situation, what happened, why did you recieve the punishment? - I played awp for a bit and then we got to the topic where we got to the bans. I told that i have vac ban on other account he checked and gave me ban cuz i didin't have 180+ days recorded on it . I don't really know where to find demo if you read this and can help tell me in the replies asap.

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