No Demos
Steam ID
Steam3 ID
Steam Community
Invoked on
2023-08-30 21:58:12
Expires on
Not applicable.
wh ir silent aim. -Soffter
Banned from
Web Ban
Total Bans
No previous bans
Blocked (1)
2. 2023-08-30 21:58:12 awp only server, timing could be from 21:00 to 21:58, map maybe fy pool day vim, or cs max dont remember
3. -Soffter ?
4. I played on your server yesterday for maybe an hour or more, shut down pc and went to sleep. Today I want to play a bit and I am surprised that I have ban.
Ok, so what I don't understand is why and how I got banned? Was I spectated? Did admin atleast save a demo on me that he can share, so other admins can see no reason for ban?
I don't have wh I play by radar, sound, common sense and flick shots. My stats are nothing special 1,3 kills vs deaths ,accuracy probably around 20 to 25% , hs ratio probably around 20%. I have couple thousand kills and 50 to 100 hours played in your server. I have never ever used any cheats in any server in any game.
Please unban me, I like playing on your server.